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- Dateifehler beim Widerrufen aufgetreten!
- Widerrufen nicht möglich.
- This CADintosh version requires 68020 processor or higher.
- Filename already exists. Can´t rename
- Version conflict. Please update preferences.
- Can´t create temporary undo file. Restart the computer.
- This CADintosh version requires a coprocessor.
- CADintosh requires System 7.0 or higher.
- Page not defined.
- Insufficient RAM !
- Task interrupted.
- Printing from Finder not possible.
- Version conflict or file isn´t a symbol library.
- Error number #.
- Can´t close drawing “#” while processing a symbol.
- Can´t register program! Please remove write protection from disk.
- This registered version was altered. Can´t run CADintosh.
- Drawing “#” was made with an older version of CADintosh. Can´t open drawing.
- Some text was changed.
- Can´t undo!
- Sorry, you´ve entered an invalid name or number. Please try again.
- Your symbol name was shortened to 19 characters.
- Name “#” is already in use for another view.
- Document name is longer than 27 characters. Can´t make a BAK document.
- Sorry, can´t edit a symbol that´s embedded in another symbol.
- Drawing “#” was made with a later version of CADintosh. Can´t open drawing. Please contact the author.
- All elements were verified.
- All elements were verified. One element was deleted.
- All elements were verified. # elements was deleted.
- There´s already a set named “#”.
- The name of the set can only be 31 characters.
- Please type your credit card number and expiration date for paying with credit card. Don't forget your signature on the registration sheet!
- The file format of the document is unknown.
- You can't insert and edit symbols of the symbol palette in an unregistered version of CADintosh.
- You have to make the coffee yourself.
- The “#” already exists for a printing area.
- The document “#” can’t be saved because there isn’t enough free space available.
- A error occured during saving of the document “#”. The document was not saved.
- Please check the number of your EUROCARD/MasterCard. The number must have 16 digits.
- Please check the number of your VISA. The number must have 13 or 16 digits.
- Please check the number of your Diners Club Card. The number must have 14 digits.
- Please check the number of your American Express Card. The number must have 15 digits.
- The document “#” is write protected.
- Please choose another name.
- The symbol library can’t be converted for this version of CADintosh. Please remove the write protection.
- One or more layer names are empty. This fields a filled with the default names.
- The IGES document couldn't be interpret complete. Please refer to the menu point comments for a detailed report.
- The document “#” can’t be opened because it isn’t available any more.